Friday, February 8, 2008

Black Bush

So this is the first in what I hope to be a running blog.  I don't expect it to be brilliant or groundbreaking, but it'll force me to write daily.  

I still have a piece of glass in my foot.  I stepped on a tiny sliver in the kitchen yesterday afternoon, but it's too small to tweeze out.   Yesterday it stung, today it itches.   

The Obama Girl didn't vote in the primary.  Of course.  Another example of the misguided and fickle youth electorate. Regardless of the wonder and majesty of American's rediscovering their democracy, we still need to win in November and relying on an easily distracted electorate as your base can be risky when you need those folks to turn out for the general election as well. This is a tough call for the "bare minimum" generation who will mostly see their primary votes as doing their part. 

I watched Hillary Clinton speak for a few minutes on CNN.  She looked like a Dutch Farmer's wife,  her hair matted to the sides of her head, her face frozen in a perma-glaze of road worn fatigue, swollen into a smile.  Despite looking like a shag carpet come to life,  I see her as having charisma,  maybe it's because I had a series of dreams where I advised her on her campaign while having coffee on a gondola,  but I think she's the winner.

Obama's more a Black Bush.  A lot of slogans and talk about making you feel good and expressing yourself - that's what montessori crafts camp is for - not running the country.  Bush tried to sell himself and preacher-in-chief,  as are Barack's Obombastic speeches about lifting each other up.  I don't want to be lifted unless I'm getting out of a tub! I want a president who will rip the Republican's balls off and shove them right up their AEI.  This is no longer about feeling good, it's about getting the job done, dirty, political, insider or out. Get these cancerous Fascists out of power and humiliate them and their families for the shame they have brought this country.  


Paula Abdul told this chubby American Idol hopeful that a lot of sounds come out her,  she agrees.


flossieKNITS said...

great first blog! yr a natural. i will tell you (but i will not name names) that a very good female friend of mine has also been having dreams about hillary clinton, but her dreams are dirty, and just yesterday she said to me, "yeah, shes like, having sex with me and its kinda gross and i think it means that i have to vote for her or else im just gonna keep having sex with her in my dreams."

Bully says said...

And there I thought I was getting a little ditty about the premium blend Irish whiskey from Bushmills. But alas we fall back into the doldrums of politics... I myself was surprised at the lack of pizazz at the primary election at Boston's Public Library. There were two, yes count them two, stick waving supporters of Obama and that's it. The rest of the hallyballoo had left the building, the street, and were probably sitting in Starbucks lecturing each other over lattes. Of course I did sneak out of work at 3PM to vote, so it's not a surprise that I wasn't part of the pre or post work rush of voters. There was the obligatory journalist plant right near the exit/entrance who was bugging everyone for their opinion on the specific catagories of the day: do you vote for issues, do you vote for personality, do you vote for a winner, or do you vote for Bobby Brady for hall monitor. It's all very boring. It's all pretty empty. Then a cross of B.D. Wong and the Donger helped me find the 9th precinct. "It's over there behind me." I get checked over in the big book...but then trouble. I'm a lost voter!!! I haven't submitted my census information and so I'm starred, asterisked, what have you. "Please fill out these forms and sit over there." So goes my easy painless no line 3PM voting trip!!! I pen the nonsense as if I'm a 18th century colonist looking to smash the imperilist powers that be...(back to that bush word in my mind....but sadly again not the Irish whiskey). Well the short of the long is that they let me vote and I filled in a candidate's name who isn't in the running because that's what my heart was telling me to do. I got debriefed by Officer Boomer. I tried asking him how acting across from a manical dog robot was, but I got nothing. Then I realized that my retelling of how I voted on Super Tuesday isn't very interesting or coherent with all of the cold medicine and vitamin C that I'm on. Sorry. Back to the bush!!! Blog on Anthony. Blog on.

Will said...

The big difference between Obama and Bush is that Obama is an intellectually curious, serious person. He's not gonna know every policy detail that Hillary knows, but he's not some lightweight joke. They don't hand out Law Professorships at the University of Chicago to guys who don't care about learning or understanding issues.

As far as humiliating the Republicans: I agree. I wish Obama was a little meaner. But I also see him as having a higher ceiling for fucking up the GOP.
He could turn Colorado blue, Virginia blue. His presence on the ticket can get people to turn out and vote for senators in the red states. There's a lot of people who want to punish Bush for these eight years- they dont want to reward hillary, but they really might give obama a look.

lastly, we gotta look at this general election as contrasts.

John McCain: old, charismatic man, liked by the media, liked by independents, supported a bad war. synonymous with the past.

Hillary Clinton: old, not-as charismatic woman, disliked by the media, disliked by independents, supported a bad war. synonymous with the past.

Barack Obama: young, charismatic man, liked by the media, liked by independents, opposed a bad war. synonymous with the future.

which contrast gets us more votes in November?

p.s. nice email signature

flossieKNITS said...

your first blog post was at 3:17pm!!!
oooh how eerie...